There are many great things we can say about auntie Janine, from the entertaining bbq parties she would have when we was growing up, being in the paper and on T.V as she was a chocoholic lol she was that bad she’d have the chocolate melted beside her bed for in the night but there was a few times she ate out of an ashtray thinking it was her goodies in her sleep that couldn’t have tasted good but she wasn’t ashamed to tell you.
When auntie Janine became unwell in hospital to what we thought was a bad foot ended up much more.
Not only did she end up wheelchair bound with a wound we would help clean and dress for her she had little tiny a jack 2lb 2oz born so small and delicate she never gave up she was still an amazing mum to Harry danny Davy and max her boys was her life would do anything for them.
All these memories And many more I shall remember and treasure forever.
Forever in my heart and mind love you forever and always Auntie Neene xxx
Love Becky xxx
1st November 2019